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- Remnants
11 x 18
Watching a storm cloud recede creates different emotions; I want to keep watching it because it's beautiful, but I also don't want the potential dangers it could bring. The farther it moves away, the less dangerous it feels to me where I stand, but I know it's still declaring it's strength far away. It doesn't really diminish, only it's impact on me.
As I've been acknowledging and gathering up all the unhealthy beliefs and thought patterns in my life over the last year, I've had to face each one and replace it with something healthy. In the process though, there are times when I may feel an old habit or mindset try to creep up, but I know that really, it's far away like a receding storm cloud. These remnants will come and go just in my thoughts, but they are not allowed to have an impact me any longer. I'm so thankful for this journey.